6 Steps To Write An Unrivaled Meeting Invitation Email

Master 6 steps to craft an engaging invitation email that boosts response rates & persuades recipients to use your booking pages to book your time. And pay you.

E-mail marketing
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Email marketing is one of the most powerful ways to convert leads into paying customers. 

In fact, there are 4 billion email users worldwide. It’s one of the most reliable ways to create relationships with potential leads to convert them into loyal customers. 

Additionally, email marketing coupled with a high converting booking page sets you up for tremendous success. You leverage the power of email to move the lead towards booking your products and services using your booking page.  

There are six pinnacle steps you should master to write an invitation email that will set you apart from your competition. 

Let’s take a look. 

A striking subject line

Did you know? 

Emails with personalized subject lines have a 50% better open rate

This is the first and possibly your only shot at catching the attention of the recipient. An email subject line determines whether the email will be opened or not. If the email isn't ever opened or thrown right into the trash folder, no one ever sees the high-value contents of what you have to offer. 

It’s safe to say that this makes the subject line the most essential part of the email anatomy.

Some pointers:

  • Keep it concise and to the point.
  • 60 characters maximum.
  • Use persuasive words that create urgency and ignite curiosity.
  • Never mislead the recipient.

For example:

This Friday- Let’s talk “Must-Have” Bitcoin tricks.

Play around with a few subject lines, and you can even test out a few against one another to see which one gets a better open rate. The trick is to keep it persuasive and to the point. This takes practice, but you’ll want to keep it for life when you find the right one.

A personal introduction

Whoohoo, your compelling subject line worked, and the recipient has been persuaded to open your email and is now ready to read what’s in it. 

The first part of your email is a personal introduction in which you introduce yourself (or the host if it's not you) in a powerful, succinct manner. 

This part is no longer than 2 sentences. 

For example: 

I’m Jake. I’m a highly reputable, award-winning financial planner. For the last 10 years, I’ve specialized in teaching the ins and outs of Bitcoin, and I’m here to help you make more money. 

Remember, you only have one shot at this, and writing a complete essay on your entire life will ensure the recipient stops reading further.

Share the meeting details

Pretty obvious step here. You need to state when and where this meeting is taking place.

Make sure you include the following: 

  • What day is the meeting 
  • Where is the meeting 
  • What time is the meeting 

(Note, when we say ‘meeting,’ it could be anything from a 100-person seminar to a one-on-one meeting- adjust according to the nature of what you want to invite leads to take part in). 

For example: 

Come join me next Thursday, the 25th of August, at 3pm (GMT +4) using this link. For a 1 hour Bitcoin Bootcamp, you’ll learn all the secrets to highly successful Bitcoin investments.

Explain the meeting motive

A really crucial part of the invitation email is actually explaining what the meeting is about and listing the benefits that the recipient will receive should they join your meeting. 

By this stage, the recipient is intrigued but may need a little shove in the right direction to commit fully. The meeting motive is that shove. 

You want to ensure that this meeting solves pain points and that there is a profitable gain in revenue or information. 

For example: 

What you get if you join the Bootcamp: 

  • Understand how to work the crypto market to skyrocket your investments and make BIG money. 
  • A 30-minute Q&A at the end to ask me any pressing questions you may have that usually will cost you a consultation fee. 
  • 25% discount if you book a consult with me after the Bitcoin Bootcamp.

Ask for an RSVP

Your recipients need a prompt to commit. The RSVP at the end of your email is the call to action. This is where they click your meeting link that directs them to your booking page to book your products and services. 

As we said, this meeting invitation could be for a one-on-one booking or a big event with multiple people. No matter the motive, you need to drive the recipient to take action and click on the booking link that leads them to your high-converting booking page to book and pay (if a fee is attached). 

Remember to create some urgency so that they act at that moment. 

For example: 

Make sure to RSVP by clicking this link. Seats are running out fast, and I would hate for you to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I don't know when I’ll be doing this again.

Add branding and email signature.

These are the finishing touches you need to make your email look professional. 

  • You’ve invited recipients to your meeting.
  • Told them where and where it was going to take place. 
  • Justified why they must be there. 
  • Asked them to RSVP.

Now you end strong with a professional email signature and logo that brands you as a surefire professional in your field. 

For example:

See you at the Bitcoin Bootcamp. 

Have a great day.

Kind Regards, 


P.s Don't forget to sign up here. 


In closing

Writing a compelling invitation email takes practice but is a surefire solution to direct more leads towards your high-converting booking pages. 

If you're not using booking pages but are a booking-based business. Look no further because we have a solution to automate the booking process to make it an easy and streamlined procedure.

Check out these booking pages that will make your life a whole lot easier.  With their 14-day free trial, you can test drive this booking page software that comes highly recommended to convert more leads into paying customers. 

Merging these booking pages with an elite and unrivaled email invitation will set you up for unmatched success.


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